How to use Vedic BEACON

Icon descriptions top

The quality of the day is put together using 3 parameters: the day of the week, the current tithi and the current nakshatra. The mix of these 3 parameters provide the basis for the icon set below. The icons are meant to immediately provide information and are easier to interpret than the current day-tithi-nakshatra combination.

  • - Siddha, - Mritju : read about Siddha and Mritju here
  • NEW, FULL: NEW represents New Moon, while FULL represents Full Moon.
  • - Mixed day (but OK): When the day of the week, the current tithi and the current nakshatra are all pointing to a different quality (e.g. the weekday is soft, the tithi is quick and the nakshatra is solid), we get a mixed day. You should wait for a more specific day to start something important (i.e. if you would like to start a marketing campaign, wait for a quick day.)
  • - Mixed day (bit worse): Similar to a Mixed day (but OK), only one of the parameters has a less favourable quality (e.g. the nakshatra is aggressive), so keep in mind that they might be just a little bit less pleasant.
  • - Solid: Solid days are days when you should start something with a long term effect. You should expect that your actions will take time to materialize, but you can be sure that they are there to stay. Example activities: building the foundation for your house, planting trees, signing important long-term contracts, starting businesses which you would like to keep for the long run. (Also consider that it is a bad day to start something you don't want to keep in your life for a long time. Also this would be a bad day to start a marketing campaign, as this day's energies are slow, which are the opposite of the quick energies needed for a campaign.)
  • - Aggressive: As the name implies these days are for aggressive activities. You can expect aggressive behaviour from others, and you might also feel uneasy and can get angry a lot quicker than usual. Not necessarily a good day for an important meeting when a consensus is desired, however if a heated debate would aid your activity, this day is great for that. Also it can be a good day to start a lawsuit, to tame wild animals, to do a clean-up/scrapping around the house, to weed out your garden, to start a drug treatment or to start a fasting, as all these activities have aggression associated with them, either aimed to things around you or things within you.
  • - Rough: Generally similar to aggressive days, however rough energies rather give you more obstacles and hardships. Of course aggression can be right around the corner, so it is not always easy to differentiate the two. We have separated them for completeness, but for simplicity, aggressive and rough can be treated the same way.
  • - Soft: Soft days represent days when time should be spent on ourselves and our loved ones. Perfect for romantic endeavours, getting a massage, a trip to a beauty saloon or to go shopping. Also things like going to the movies, to a party, to a nice restaurant, everything related to art, like going to an art gallery or to the theatre. There aren't many of these days around, so make sure you use them to recharge.
  • - Rough-Soft: These days are good for handling unpleasant activities, when the start of the process might be unpleasant (or it is hard to convince yourself take the first step), but the end result will be good: like completing administrative work (going to authorities, to your bank, etc...), smaller medical procedures, calling a mechanic to your house.
  • - Quick: Quick days are good for things which need a sudden burst of energy. Starting a trip, starting a marketing campaign, buying-selling. Making contact with new clients, learning. (Also consider that it is a bad day to start something you want to keep in your life for a long time. A business started on these days have a lot of energy at the start, but quickly runs out of substance.)
  • - Movable: Similar to quick days: good for things which need a sudden burst of energy.
  • - Easy-Quick: Similar to quick days, but on these days things are not just fast, but easy too.
  • - Easy-Quick in the morning - Solid in the afternoon: This is a specific quality which happens only on Thursdays, since on Thursday the mornings are easy-quick and the afternoons are solid. If the associated tithi and nakshatra are also quick and solid (or solid and quick) this leads to a day when the morning and the afternoon are separated as easy quick morning (day morning:easy-quick, tithi:quick, nakshatra: solid = quick+quick+solid = quick) and solid afternoon (day afternoon:solid, tithi:quick, nakshatra: solid = solid+quick+solid = solid).
  • - Exclamation icon: When all the three parameters (day-tithi-nakshatra) are having the same quality, the given day's quality will be very strong. We should try to take advantage of the extra focus of energies.

Add Vedic BEACON to the home screen of your mobile top

If you are using Vedic BEACON from your mobile device, you can easily add an icon to your home screen.

Just navigate to the website on your browser and tap the three dots on the top right and select "Add to Home screen".
(Depending on your device and browser it might be at a different place.)

TIP: Navigate to the Monthly view and add that to your home screen, so you can get started immediately!

Monthly view tips top

  • Click on a day's cell to be taken to that day's page.

  • Use the Legend section at the bottom of the page for quick reference. Check the Icon descriptions for more detailed explanations.

  • You can easily step back and forth between months using the orange arrows on the side of the main date, or swipe left and right on mobile:
  • Also pay attention to the location below the main date, so it is always set to where you are! (You can change that on the Profile page)
  • You can navigate between the different views using the buttons on the top right:

  • Click on the Current Month button to quickly return to the actual month

  • Alternatively you can just use the navigation bar on the top:
  • For more distant dates, use the Date Picker:
  • Click on the year on the top of the picker to quickly select distant years (just like in Windows) :

  • Or you can just type in the date you need, check the hint in the field for correct format (e.g. MM-YYYY)

  • Please note that on smaller devices like smart phones, the Date Picker and the nav buttons will migrate to the bottom.

  • Monthly view

Weekly view tips top

  • The weekly page controls are quite similar to the Calendar, so you can use all the information above. There are some small differences though:

  • The main date shows you the current week:

  • In the datepicker you will be able to select weeks, and you need to enter days as well, if you type in manually (i.e. format: DD-MM-YYYY):

  • Weekly view

Daily view tips top

  • The daily page controls are quite similar to the Calendar and Weekly controls, so check those if you haven't already. Plus you have some extra features:

  • You can easily add a day's quality to your Google or Outlook calendar (Outlook part is not available on mobile devices):

  • In the CONNECTED and UNLIMITED versions, you can use the Time Picker to select an individual date:

  • Use the "Now" button to return to the current time.

  • Daily view

Profile page top

Once you have logged in, you can easily change your user preferences, or check your current settings on the Profile page, which can be accessed by the button on the top right of the screen.

On the profile page you can change your password. You only need to enter your password if you intend to change it. Once you start typing the "new password" and "new password confirmation" fields will appear.

Below that you can see your Username, and your current Membership(s) with the expiration date.

In the next section you have the possibility to change your Name and your Email address. We will never give out your email to anyone, and we will never send you any spam.

You can select the Observer's Location next. Vedic BEACON calculates almost everything based on the location where you are, so make sure this is correctly selected, so make sure to update it whenever you are travelling. More about the importance of location here. Let us know if your location is not listed and we will add it for you.

With the CONNECTED and UNLIMITED Subscriptions you will have the possibility customize your Monthly view (More about that on the versions page) with the Detailed Calendar Icons, Show Chandra and Tara bala and Show Tithi and Nakshatra settings.

If you have a Subscription of CONNECTED or UNLIMITED, you will see your Birth Nakshatra and The Moon's House In Horoscope at the final section. These settings are needed for your personal Chandra Bala and Tara Bala calculations.

Note that you have the option to change the Moon's house and Birth Nakshatra settings if you want to check someone else's Chandra and Tara bala, but make sure you set these correctly, otherwise the Chandra and Tara bala calculations will be inaccurate!

You can see the main user's values at the bottom of the section to easily reset the original values.


How to forecast with Vedic BEACON top

Astrological predictions require intuition.
However, with Vedic BEACON we are not doing an in depth birth horoscope analysis, but a more straightforward prediction of the qualities of the days, so it will be a lot easier to put things together.
Still there is room for interpretation, and while using it, soon you will discover certain patterns which are only applicable to you.

At this point, I would like emphasize the importance of free will. Your free will is a strong factor despite any kinds of effects, energies, etc. you will receive, so with a strong will, many things can change. If you do not make conscious decisions, then the current energies will have a more active role in your moment. With Vedic BEACON you can consciously tune in to the the day's energies as a surfer rides the waves, but only as much as it serves you.

Sometimes you will have a very easy time: if you have a Siddha day and the day's quality is quick, it will be easy to deduct, that it will be a great day to start activities which benefit from the quick quality: starting a trip, a marketing campaign, etc. .

Of course there are not so straightforward days: like when the day's quality is generally okay (Mixed day), but your important event is at the Rahu Kalam period of the day, and the Moon is not favorable on that day. These situations need time to master, but in any case it is better to wait for a good day (like Siddha) if possible. Also, there are some hard and fast rules below to make this easier.

Finally, I would like to point out, that no matter how much data you have available here, if you have an important decision (like when to get married, signing a big contract, when to start building the house of your dreams etc.) you should contact a reputable astrologer.

Let's see how to interpret Vedic BEACON based on your subscription:


  • The base for any calculation/forecast is the actual birth of the event, person etc. . In case of a day, the birth of a day is when the sun rises, therefore the state of things at sunrise is important. Every parameter we have is calculated on this principle, except for the details relevant for the actual moment (moment details are available for the CONNECTED and UNLIMITED versions).

  • The first thing you should consider and has a significant importance, if a given day is a Siddha or a Mritju. If it is a Siddha day, all things which are started on this day should work out well in the end, if it is Mritju, probably all things and attempts will fail or does not work out as intended.

  • Next, you should consider the Moon (Daily view). Is it waxing? Then it is good for growth: good for generating income, good for acquiring material and non material things, starting advertisements, people in general like to acquire things during this time. If the Moon is waning, it is a time for losing things, letting go. Losing weight, letting go of items, clean-up at home or at the office, etc. .

  • Then see the quality of the day. Does it have a specific direction? (Solid, quick, soft, etc.) If so, you might find easier to connect with those energies. It does not have a specific direction? (Mixed day icons) well, then on these days we have to rely on other indicators (i.e. a Mixed Siddha day is still a great day). Check the Icon descriptions section for more info on icons and what the represent.

  • Finally you can check the Rahu Kalam period of the day. This is an approximately 1,5 hours period is between sunrise and sunset, when it is not advised to start something important (similar to Mritju day but it is a smaller period within the day). Continuing something which was started earlier is fine.

  • Monthly view
  • Weekly view
  • Daily view
  • Monthly close-up
  • Weekly close-up
  • Daily close-up


  • The base for any calculation/forecast is the actual birth of the event, person etc. . In case of a day, the birth of a day is when the sun rises, therefore the state of things at sunrise is important. Every parameter we have is based on this principle, except for the details relevant for the actual moment.

  • The first thing you should consider and has a significant importance, if a given day is a Siddha or a Mritju. If it is a Siddha day, all things which are started on this day should work out well in the end, if it is Mritju, probably all things and attempts will fail or does not work out as intended.

  • Next, you should consider the Moon (Daily view). Is it waxing? Then it is good for growth: good for generating income, good for acquiring material and non material things, starting advertisements, people in general like to acquire things during this time. If the Moon is waning, it is a time for losing things, letting go. Losing weight, letting go of items, clean-up at home or at the office, etc. .

  • After that check the Chandra- and Tara Bala.
    The more important is the Chandra Bala, if that is good, that's a favorable sign. Of course the best if the Tara Bala is good too. Also take into account the Tara Bala's extra description, which will give you more detailed info about the period.

  • Then see the quality of the day. Does it have a specific direction? (Solid, quick, soft, etc.) If so, you might find easier to connect with those energies. It does not have a specific direction? (Mixed day icons) well, then on these days we have to rely on other indicators (i.e. a Mixed Siddha day is still a great day). Check the Icon descriptions section for more info on icons and what the represent.

  • Here you have the possibility to use the Detailed Calendar Icons setting on the Calendar view (can be enabled and disabled on the Profile page), plus all the other views will give you additional data.
    These extra icons give more details for the three most important indicators of the day: the quality of the weekday, the tithi at sunrise and the nakshatra at sunrise. So in this version you have the possibility to interpret them separately instead of simply with a combined icon in the STANDARD subscription.

  • You also have the opportunity to look at the current moment and also search for a specific time on any day.
    Go to the Daily view and you will immediately see a section to the right on a large screen device, or at the bottom in case of a phone or smaller screen.
    Although the status at sunrise is more important, the actual moment is important for a more detailed analysis. You can check all the indicators you have at sunrise: tithi, nakshatra, Chandra- and Tara Bala, etc. for the given moment, plus you can see the current Muhurta, and it's current ruling planet.

  • Finally you can check the Rahu Kalam period of the day. This is an approximately 1,5 hours period is between sunrise and sunset, when it is not advised to start something important (similar to Mritju day but it is a smaller period within the day). Continuing something which was started earlier is fine.

  • At the end of the daily view, and thoughout you will have additional astronomy and astrology related info:
    You will see the karana and yoga at sunrise, and at the current moment. At the section named Technical data you will find the Moon's ecliptic topocentric longitude, the Sun's ecliptic longitude, both of their Vedic variants (adjusted with the Ayanamsha) the current Ayanamsha, the Moon-Sun elongation, and more to come.

  • Chandra and Tara Bala
  • Monthly view
  • Weekly view
  • Daily view
  • Monthly close-up
  • Weekly close-up
  • Daily close-up
  • Daily close-up
  • Daily close-up